Wednesday 15 August 2012

As exciting as watching paint dry

I didn’t realize how many damn things I had that needed paint until I started prepping them for a coat of primer. What you’re looking at is mostly my disassembled tire changer and a bunch of other random junk.

I’m trying a couple of new things this time. One is the primer - normally I just go straight to Tremclad, but a few projects of late  have been losing their paint prematurely. The other new thing is spraying - I recently bought a paint sprayer in order to paint my fence (it was a huge time-saver for that job) and decided to give it a whirl on some metal bits. There’s a pretty big time investment for stringing up the bits (and for cleaning the gun afterwards), and there’s some skill involved in avoiding drips, but it works fast and evenly. I think I like it more than my usual brushing method of painting.

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